Friday, August 31, 2007


friday the 31st august.

today we were in the workshop all day continuing on with our hand skills.

we worked through a series of different joints at our own pace. some were easy but other proving to be a difficult task.

my thoughts on the day is that it was alright, a bit boring.

so far my view on the course is a bit negtive. i would prefer to be doing more relevant tasks to my trade, instead of wasting time posting blogs.

these signs are located all around the workshop. this is a mandotory sign which mean it HAS to be followed for your protection.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

get a plan
collect materials needed
mark face side, face ege
set out timber based on plan
measure and mark required measurements
cut and chisel
check recess for fit
show lecturer
make any adjustments if needed
show lecturer
sand edges
CHISEL: use chisel properly, always chisel away from body. be careful when sharpening blade.
SAW: use long slow strokes when sawing, keeps hands away from teeth.
WOOD ON FLOOR: sweep off cuts under table to reduce risk of slipping or tripping.
SAFETY GLASSES: always wear appropriate safety glasses.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


MATHS: started with basic mathmatic skills such as adding and multiplying.. i struggled.

BLOGS: we got told all about what a blog is and then developed our own blog page.

GMAIL: we set up an email account to send and recieve information.

LEARNING STYLES: learnt about different learning styles then took a test to find out the best way each of us learn.

COMMUNICATIONS: learnt about communicating and the advantages of good communication.

WHAT EMPLOYERS WANT: wrote a blog about the skill needed to be a good apprentice, as you can see above.

TEAM WORK: worked in teams to make a structure from straws. see above for details


team work is being able to work together to share a common goal.

members of a team should have to following qualities and skills:

be polite and respectful

listening skills

co-operate with others

be respectful

able to share



a team has a coordinator- this person is considered the leader of the group. they direct their team and decide on final decisions.

team workers- team workers do the work, listening to instructions from the coordinator.

resource investergater- searches for resources to help the team improve and make things easier.

Monday, August 27, 2007

demonstrates willingness to learn
passion to succeed
good maths skills
social skills
able to work productively in a team
well dressed
stride to improve
thurst for knowledge
three employers from perth were interviewed and asked about their opinions on their trade and what they want from a good apprentice.
STEVEN COOK: left school at 15 and started training in wall and floor tiling. at 16 enroled at bulga tafe and completed his building certificate. from an apprentice he expects that the apprentice will demonstrate willinigness to learn, understand the full cost of employment, have a passion to succeed and roughly match the labour cost that the apprentice costs the employer.
RAY HALL: aged 47, has had 35 years experience as a boiler maker welder. his impression of a good apprentice is a keen, well dressed, polite young person with good maths skills and appropriate schools marks.
ROD SLATER: automotive consultant.
was a high school drop out, started work at 14 as an automotive mechanic. insists on meeting parents before meeting apprentice.
advice given to apprentices from rod.
be honest and own up when they think they have made a mistake.
develop a good buisness brain, dont do drugs and show respect.


this better work