Friday, September 7, 2007

today we started our saw horses. we got our material and began marking out and cutting the legs. i was quite bored with this project because i have already completed it in previous training. i am annoyed that i haven't been acknolledged for recongnition of prior learning. we carried on with this project throughout the whole day. Tim Oliver was in our workshop all day helping us with different things.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

todaywe were shown out next project, the saw horse. we started discussing planning ideas within our group. we brainstormed and talk amongst ourselves to sort out different problems, we then started the planning process including things such as: O.H.S take 5 sheets, evacuation plans of the workshop, construction plans of the saw horse etc.
after this, we started drawing a detailed scetch of the horse on brown paper. i quite enjoyed this as a like drawing and have done it before in high school. we continued this for the rest of the afternoon. it was quite a good lesson:)

today we carried on with our drawings up until lunch time. after lunch Tim Oliver came in and intriduced us to making our own using power tools videos. this was an interesting project. i enjoyed making it and am happy with with the final result. i teamed up with mike to make the presentation and as soon as i figure out how to put it on my blog i will...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


this morning we carried on with our work booklets answering all different questions working at our own pace. we did this up until 11 oclock when berny and gemma came to interview us quickly and make sure everything is going alright and that we didnt have any problems or questions.

after lunch we had Bell Fire with mr Jim Ponsonby. his presentation was great! he was passionate and very entertaining in the way he explain fire safety and different types of extinguishers, making the lesson not boring. the message also sunk in because of the way he conducted the presentation.

after he talked to us for a while we then proceeded outside to where he gave a practical demonstration of putting out a little fire. he explained the differences between a class A fire and class B. Jim's presentation made me aware of the dangers of fire and how important it is to know a little about fire safety and using extinguishers.

i am convinced to buy a fire extinguisher to put in my car now that i am aware of how inportant they could be incase of an emergency.

Monday, September 3, 2007

work booklets
today we got given 8 work booklets each on different subjects.
we worked through using tools and equipment. we had our practical carpentry books 1 and 2 to use as resources.
after we worked through a series of questions working together to get the answers we then went to the library to work in teams researching either james hardiflex or Ebeams. after researching one of these items we then performed a presentation in front of the rest of the students.
after this we went into the workshop and continued on with out different joints.
i found todays lesson quite good. i think we are starting to get into more involved work relevant to our trade.
berny came in today to see how we are all going. he also took photos of us while we worked. if any of us had any questions or feedback to give berny this was the time to do so.
i talked to him about my concerns and found him very positive in the way he listened to me and explained certain things.
in the afternoon we carried on in the workshop until the end of the day.