Wednesday, February 13, 2008


today we carried on with our drawings on wall framing. we drew 8 drawings in total. three were of different corner junctions where studs would fix onto the bottom plate.
another three were on three different lintal types, showing the different rules of when and where to put a lintal and how to fix it. the 7th drawing was just showing how to make up a wider, stonrger beam out of two pieces of timber.
the last drawing was an isometric drawing of three studs fixed to a plates showing different notches and rebates where bracing would be fixed.


today we began making up our wall frames. working in teams of three, i was teamed up with rob and mike. our first wall we all worked together on cutting studs and noggings and nailing them together with the nail gun. then we measured the diagonals and made some adjustments to get it square before bracing it with an angles piece of timber.
after this i started working on a wall on my own. i chose to work alone because i enjoy the satisfaction knowing i alone accomplished a framed wall. i worked through the task with few problems except when i was marking it out i hundred mm'd it but i soon fixed that. i did a lintal at the top of the window rabated into the two studs. i then measured the diagonals with paul and amazingly it was already perfect square. i then braced it using metal bracing. good day

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