Tuesday, April 8, 2008


when i arrived today i was informed that our next project is preparing a concrete slab. so we talked a little bit about it in the withdrawal room then headed out to the site.
when we arrived there i noticed the fellas had got a boundary line and a couple of hurdles in on the previous day. we continiued on working out the boundary lines of an australind plan. after we got the hurdles in and levelled them off the datum point which was 1340. we then checked for aquare using the 3,4,5 technique and measuring our parrellels and diagonals.. after it was squared (which was a bit of a muck around) we started marking where internal walls were going to be and put hurles in there and transfering string lines to show the walls. paul then talked to us about the thickness of the bricks and told us to think about it so we can transfer the boundary marks into the outside of the internal wall. it was 160mm from our boundary.
we then went into the withdrawal room again and discussed all about making up the shutters for the concrete. we worked out what materials we needed and there sizes so we cut all them out and lugged them over to the site so that first thing tomorrow morning we are straight into it flat out nailing them together... stay tuned


wasn't here due to i didn't feel well...

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