Monday, August 25, 2008

on thursday we sat two assessments. one on calcualations of hip, valley and oblique roofs and another on general questions about them. i feel i did pretty good in these assessments, there weren't many questions i wasnt confident about answering. this took up most the day and what ever time we had left at the end we used to start on our portfolio. the portfolio is evaluating a plan, also producing construction sequences as well as all safety plans and stuff like that.

friday we sat our practical test on an oblique end roof with a gable at the other end. we used our drawing bevels to get all the correct down and edge cuts for the hips, rafters and underpurlins. i did really well in it i think and mine ended up to be one of the neatest. so i was happy with my end results in both the written tests and the practical.

today, (monday) we began looking at dorma windows and started to construct a full size hip end so we can install a dorma window in it. im working with renna and so far so good. we have the hip end up and filled in so tomorrow we can go straight into working on the dorma window..
ill get photos and put them on here so all you people reading this can look at them:)

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