Thursday, January 24, 2008


today we went out to finish the floor. we cut some more joists and nailed them in, measuring back every now and then to make sure the joists are in the correct spot. after we finished nailing in the joists we went and got the 18mm partical board to use as out flooring. i measured the boards which were 3.6x1.2 then i measured back from the wall to see where the join is going to be. it was about 20 mm off a joist so i decided to nail a joist right next to it to make sure the floor can screw to it. we then statred laying the floor down screwing the corners when they were flush and square. we staggered the boards so the joins were different. we measured each space exactly so that the board would fit nicely in its spot. after this we cleaned up, finished our brown paper drawings and came across to the computer rooms to research different types of deep joist products. good times

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


today we were straight out into the heat measuring bearers and cutting them. me and greg were cutting the bearers while the other guys nailed them in. once all the bearers were cut, greg and i were nailing them in aswel. when it came to cutting the joists it was again greg and i who were cutting. however, the other guys seemed to be struggling a little with the nailing in of the joists. i went out the to see what was the problem and realised that we actually didnt know how much over hang there was meant to be. i stopped them and tried to explain and work out the situation. i put the string lines back in so that we could see when the joists are flush with the line. althou, the guys thought i was taking too much time and they wanted the job done as quick as possible so they ignored what i said and carried on nailing joists in. about hlaf an hour later paul came out and told them they were doing it wrong and that they should have been doing what i said. im not saying i know everyhting but that annoyed me that they didn't listen to me in the first place and we wasted so much time. so after all this, we finally got our must joists in. renna and mike went home sick so the three muskatees (greg, rob and i) continued on. we packed up and went on with drawing. we pretty much finished our drawings and began reserching different types of joist products. thing since slice bread (paul said to mention it)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

tuesday and wedneday.

today we began our setting out stage of our mini house. we went out into the spare blocks, located our area and began to measure where our string lines and pegs are to be put. we put in our hurdles, then levelled them to a certain datum taken by the automatic level. after it was all levelled up we started to work out where our perimeter roughly was going to be and hit in pegs on these points. we then began to mesure off our boundary marks to get a true line. once we have this true line we were able to work out our boundaries by measuring off our true line and checking the parellel lines we equal. once this was achieved we measured our diagonals and make any adjustments needed until both measurements were the same. so we, have got our square perimeter, we then had to measure from the back and worked out where the minor offset room is. once this was in we worked out where the stumps, bearers and joists are to be going. we then went out and dug the holes for the stumps, when the holes were dug we put in the stumps levelling them before securing them in. after this we measured our bearers, cut them and nailed them flush with the outside of the bearers. we then started marked out where the joists were going and began to cut them and nail them on.
it became wuite hot on wednesday afternoon so we retired the shovels and went inside to begin setting up our brown paper drawing. The drawing will show where the stumps go and how far into the ground they must be, and where the bearers and joists are allocated.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

monday 21st of january

this morning we continued on with our plan of the sub floor working out how to order timber for a job. we worked out our lengths of bearers, joists, stumps and sole plates and costed them all. we also added in labour costs, hardware, GST and profit to give us our final cost of the whole project. the task proved a bit difficult as we were all getting different answeres and had different ideas of what was to be done. after paul went through it with us and we all understood, we went back and changed a few things until we all roughly had the same costs. we then went out and got our drawing boards and began organising our brown paper drawings of how our bearers, joists, stumps and sole plates are going to be assembled.
friday 18th january.

today we sat our assessment for our carry all. it consisted of 23 questions all relevent to the planning and construction of our carry all. i think i did alright in the test. after this we carried on with our work booklets and discussed as a group about the sub floor and what is going to be involved, then began to draw up the plan on the white board.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

thursday 17th of january.
today we worked through our work books. we got given a few booklets and started on the levelling and set out booklet. we continued on using practical carpentry book 1 and 2 as a resource to find answers. after smoko we looked at sub floors. paul showed discussed how to go about a constructing a sub floor with us. we then did a bunch of activities on sub floors, working out what bearers, joists, stumps and sole plates we will need. we worked out all the lengths of each and how many to order. we then worked out how much strip flooring we will need to cover a certain room and how we would order it. after this, we sat down and started working through the sub flooring booklet, answering question at our own speed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

wednesday 16th january

in the morning we starting discussing what we are to be doing for the day which is setting out the bounderies of the house. we got given plans and discussed how we are going to go about it. we then got all the tools and equipment needed for the job and set out to find a location. after we found a grassy area suited for our task we got our first foundation line of the boundary. we used the dumpy level to level all our hurdles, then begun to work out our measurements of the house. we had a couple of complications on measuerements and how to go about it. after a while it stared to come together and the we only needed to worry about getting it square. we double checked our parrellel and horizontal lines until it all matched up and was square. we then took it all apart and returned to the classroom to discuss what we have learnt. communication between the team proved vital as everyone needed to know what was going on for the task to work. we worked fairly well together, helping somone out if they were a bit lost. good lesson

Monday, January 14, 2008

tuesday 15th of january.

today we started out doing a levelling excercise with the dumpys. we went all the way around the perimeter of the tafe measuring the rise and fall of the land. it was pretty interesting. after smoko we recorded our results and drew up a graph with our information. our aim was to get back to the datum point and have the same height. we were 45 mm off. althou, thats not bad considering it was over 900 metres. we then went out with the dumpys measuring the distance between two points and checking if the dumpy was close. it turned out it was within a couple hundred mm. we then discussed what was planned for tomorrows lesson. you'll have to wait until then to find that out but...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

well its the first day back at tafe for the new year. what a glorious day... the sun is shing and we are stuck in a classroom.. yess!
today we were introduced to our course outline for the year and mainly for the next two week block. we started out by researching different types of levels and their uses, then each picked one to research more and give a presentation on them.
we then took some dumpy levels and an automatic level outside to carry out a levelling excercise. we used a stake to get the reference point then tranfered that point to another stake about 20 metres away. we then moved the levels to see if they lined up and that the level itself was accurate. after this we headed back to the classroom to discuss what we learnt and put it on paper to go into our portfolios. what a day:)