Thursday, January 24, 2008


today we went out to finish the floor. we cut some more joists and nailed them in, measuring back every now and then to make sure the joists are in the correct spot. after we finished nailing in the joists we went and got the 18mm partical board to use as out flooring. i measured the boards which were 3.6x1.2 then i measured back from the wall to see where the join is going to be. it was about 20 mm off a joist so i decided to nail a joist right next to it to make sure the floor can screw to it. we then statred laying the floor down screwing the corners when they were flush and square. we staggered the boards so the joins were different. we measured each space exactly so that the board would fit nicely in its spot. after this we cleaned up, finished our brown paper drawings and came across to the computer rooms to research different types of deep joist products. good times

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