Tuesday, January 15, 2008

wednesday 16th january

in the morning we starting discussing what we are to be doing for the day which is setting out the bounderies of the house. we got given plans and discussed how we are going to go about it. we then got all the tools and equipment needed for the job and set out to find a location. after we found a grassy area suited for our task we got our first foundation line of the boundary. we used the dumpy level to level all our hurdles, then begun to work out our measurements of the house. we had a couple of complications on measuerements and how to go about it. after a while it stared to come together and the we only needed to worry about getting it square. we double checked our parrellel and horizontal lines until it all matched up and was square. we then took it all apart and returned to the classroom to discuss what we have learnt. communication between the team proved vital as everyone needed to know what was going on for the task to work. we worked fairly well together, helping somone out if they were a bit lost. good lesson

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