Wednesday, January 23, 2008


today we were straight out into the heat measuring bearers and cutting them. me and greg were cutting the bearers while the other guys nailed them in. once all the bearers were cut, greg and i were nailing them in aswel. when it came to cutting the joists it was again greg and i who were cutting. however, the other guys seemed to be struggling a little with the nailing in of the joists. i went out the to see what was the problem and realised that we actually didnt know how much over hang there was meant to be. i stopped them and tried to explain and work out the situation. i put the string lines back in so that we could see when the joists are flush with the line. althou, the guys thought i was taking too much time and they wanted the job done as quick as possible so they ignored what i said and carried on nailing joists in. about hlaf an hour later paul came out and told them they were doing it wrong and that they should have been doing what i said. im not saying i know everyhting but that annoyed me that they didn't listen to me in the first place and we wasted so much time. so after all this, we finally got our must joists in. renna and mike went home sick so the three muskatees (greg, rob and i) continued on. we packed up and went on with drawing. we pretty much finished our drawings and began reserching different types of joist products. thing since slice bread (paul said to mention it)

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