Tuesday, January 22, 2008

tuesday and wedneday.

today we began our setting out stage of our mini house. we went out into the spare blocks, located our area and began to measure where our string lines and pegs are to be put. we put in our hurdles, then levelled them to a certain datum taken by the automatic level. after it was all levelled up we started to work out where our perimeter roughly was going to be and hit in pegs on these points. we then began to mesure off our boundary marks to get a true line. once we have this true line we were able to work out our boundaries by measuring off our true line and checking the parellel lines we equal. once this was achieved we measured our diagonals and make any adjustments needed until both measurements were the same. so we, have got our square perimeter, we then had to measure from the back and worked out where the minor offset room is. once this was in we worked out where the stumps, bearers and joists are to be going. we then went out and dug the holes for the stumps, when the holes were dug we put in the stumps levelling them before securing them in. after this we measured our bearers, cut them and nailed them flush with the outside of the bearers. we then started marked out where the joists were going and began to cut them and nail them on.
it became wuite hot on wednesday afternoon so we retired the shovels and went inside to begin setting up our brown paper drawing. The drawing will show where the stumps go and how far into the ground they must be, and where the bearers and joists are allocated.

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